Wednesday, September 21, 2011

We Were Not Built To Raise The City Up

Lady Lamb The Beekeeper - Mammoth Swoon (2010)

So this girl won an award for best folk singer in 2010 - and though I'm not easily attracted to folk music, I can definitely see why.  Maybe it is because I think she's cute as hell.  More likely, it's because she has such a... I can't think clever and engaging style.  Her lyrics tell real stories while often being adorably surreal.  She just has clever word play that makes her fun to listen to.  But the real thing making me stay is that she has some of the most raw and affected vocals that I have ever heard.  Seriously... If you pay full attention to Taxidermist, Taxidermist below... It is heart-breaking even if you never catch the actual lyrics.  The album title of mammoth swoons really captures what she does sometimes.

This is the kind of folk I can dig.  Catchy melodies at times, occasionally intentionally broken up just to make you aware you are listening.  She never lets you just get lost in the melody.  She always makes you listen, and that is okay because she has vocals and lyrics that are unique and enticing... She can play guitar quite well too... I don't know - give it a listen.  I reccommend it.

Standout Track(s):
Crane Your Neck

Won't say much about this song - I love the lyrics.

The Nothing Part Two

Hopefully this song is more accessible.  Idk.

Taxidermist, Taxidermist

Taxidermist, Taxidermist... what can I say -- if you can give the full 8 minutes of the song your full attention (which I realize, may be difficult - it is one long song) and you do *not* feel chills when she sings "we shall be enraptured" at the end, then you probably do not have a soul.  It starts off a bit slower before transitioning into the good bits.  Trust me that it's not like this the entire song. At one point she says, "... oh I am intense" -  and you bet it Lady Lamb.  You god damn bet it.

Interesting Info - 
One of the artists I talked about earlier on in my blog (Alias) actually sampled her for one of his songs, and the only reason I know is because when I searched "lady lamb" in my iTunes to check out the album, his song "Lady Lambin'" came up.  Definitely samples her... cool stuff.  But that's not the real interesting info, the real interesting info is that she is only 20 (maybe 21 now)  years old, and that that is great because someday I am going to marry her.  Just an FYI.

Spotify Link

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