Sunday, October 9, 2011

Don't Go Killin The Vibe

Ducktails - III: Arcade Dynamics (2011)

No, this has nothing to do with Ducktales the cartoon show.  Instead of a rich duck with rambunctious nephew-ducks, Ducktails a man named Matthew Mondanile with a lovely knack for guitar. Ducktails originally got some attention for this album because Panda Bear featured on it, and the blogosphere loves to suckle on anything attached to PB- but this album certainly stands without Panda Bear.  Mondanile makes me feel like I'm chilling on the porch with a bunch of friends - and the resident guitar virtuoso is casually strumming out original, yet familiar feeling tunes that we can all vibe too.  Normally when someone is playing guitar at a chill-sesh, I want nothing more than for them to stop and put on some real music.  Ducktails lets me know what it would be like to not feel that way. It is a little lo-fi, and very homey.

Standout Track(s) - 
Little Window

Unlike Little Window, most of the tracks are not purely instrumental.  This song does capture a lot of what I like about Ducktails though, and that is... well... the guitar.  I like the guitar.

Hamilton Road

Every part of this song gets stuck in my head way too easily.

Interesting Info -
Matthew is also in a band called Real Estate - who should be dropping an album soon.  Should be pretty good - the previewed tracks from it are beautiful.

Not on Spotify.

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